37th Annual Symposium on Applied Surface Science
in conjunction with Annual Symposium of the Rocky Mountain ChapterSURFACE ANALYSIS 2015
Symposium: Tuesday, June 2nd-Thursday, June 4th
Ben Parker Student Center: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
SA15/2015 RMC Symposium will provide a forum on wide range of topics related to surface analysis, including recent advances in surface analysis techniques and best practices in characterization of diverse range of material systems. Special sessions are planned focusing on Environment, Energy and Earth.
Symposium registration fee: $300 (after May 15 increases to $400)
Student symposium registration fee: $100 (after May 15 increases to $200)
Vendor show and RMCAVS student poster session are free with registration.
Attend only the vendor show and poster session: free
Registration Actions
Invited Speakers
Hendrick Bluhm Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory “Photoelectron spectroscopy under ambient relative humidity”
Paul Fenter Argonne National Laboratory “Observing Ion Interactions at Charged Solid-Liquid Interfaces using X-rays: From Statics to Dynamics”
Nathan Havercroft ION-TOF USA “Challenges of 3D TOF-SIMS Analysis – Bumps, Humps and Holes”
Brian Gorman Colorado School of Mines “Utilization of 3-D Atom Probe Tomography for Chemical Analysis of Buried Interfaces”
J. Will Medlin University of Colorado, Boulder “Controlling Selectivity in Reactions of Complex Oxygenates over Metal Catalysts”
Art J. Nelson Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory “Oxidation/Reduction Reactions on Actinide Surfaces: An X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study”
James Ohlhausen Sandia National Laboratories “Analysis of Peptide Microarrays on Si Using ToF-SIMS”
Schedule and Final Program
Download Printable Schedule (no need to sign in, 8 MB)
Surface Analysis Symposium June 2nd-June 4th
Short Courses June 1st-June 5th
Vendor Exhibit Wednesday, June 3rd
RM-AVS Poster Session Wednesday, June 3rd

ABSTRACTS deadline has passed. For late abstract submission contact Program Chair
Contributed papers are requested for both oral (20 min.) and poster sessions (click here for PDF).
Instructions for abstract submission:
- Download the abstract template here
- An example can be downloaded here
- Complete your abstract in the required format
- Click on the “Submit Symposium Abstract” button
- Attach your abstract in Microsoft Word format
- Make sure that “SA15 Abstract” is in the subject line. In the body of the email, please indicate your preference for an oral or poster presentation. Also include the presenting author’s contact email address and institution.
Students are encouraged to submit abstracts for oral and poster sessions. To attend and participate in the Surface Analysis Symposium, the student registration fee is $100. Alternatively, the free RMC-AVS student poster session will accept posters that are unrelated to surface analysis. To submit an abstract for this session click on the “Submit Student RMC-AVS Abstract” button.
Student Poster Deadline May 20th
The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the AVS announces the call for poster abstracts for the Symposium to be held on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO.
Areas of interest for posters include surface science, oxidation and corrosion, catalysis, thin films, adhesion, ceramics, electronic materials, optical coatings, vacuum metallurgy, plasma technologies, nanometer structures, space vacuum environments, energy and environment, flexible coatings, roll-to-roll vacuum, and other areas of vacuum-related science and technology.
For additional information, download the call for posters
Thank you to our Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Thank you to the following organizations for their support.
Organizing and Program Committees
- Chair, Surface Analysis Symposium and Exhibit: Svitlana Pylypenko (CSM)
- Chair, RMAVS Symposium and Exhibit: Neil Peacock (MKS Instruments)
- Secretary: Tim Ohno, (CSM)
- Vendor Exhibit: Mike Simmons (INTELLIVATION LLC)
- Short Course Coordinators: Neil Peacock ( MKS Instruments), Tim Gessert (NREL)
- Treasurer: Rosine Ribelin (Ascent Solar)
- Local Arrangements: J. Grant Armstrong (Carberry Technologies), Lorelle Mansfield (NREL), and Svitlana Pylypenko (CSM)
- Publicity: Cheryl Brozena (UNM)
SA15 Technical Committee
- Kateryna Artyushkova (UNM)
- Jimi Burst (NREL)
- Steven Decaluwe (CSM)
- Dave Diercks (CSM)
- Steve Harvey (NREL)
- Craig Perkins (NREL)
- Svitlana Pylypenko (CSM)
- Glenn Teeter (NREL)
- Carl Ventrice (SUNY Polytechnic Institute)